theme.config.json file

The theme.config.json file contains configuration of a theme part.

This file is optional and can be set in the root folder of theme part; for example, gbc-project-dir/theme/platform/mobile/theme.config.json.

The JSON object provided in this file has two main entries:


A JSON array containing the theme part's conditions.

A JSON object that defines overrides to apply in cls.WidgetFactory. It replaces registrations made with cls.WidgetFactory.registerBuilder. Every subsequent widget instantiation uses the class defined by this override instead of the one defined in JavaScript code.


// sample theme/platform/mobile/theme.config.json
  "conditions": ["isMobile"],
  "widgetFactory": {
    "DateEdit": "cls.DateEditMobileWidget",
    "DateTimeEdit": "cls.DateTimeEditMobileWidget",
    "TimeEdit": "cls.TimeEditMobileWidget",
    "SpinEdit": "cls.SpinEditMobileWidget"