GAS ISAPI Extension configuration file

The GAS ISAPI Extension configuration file is an ini file called isapidispatch.ini. It contains several options that the GAS ISAPI Extension uses when starting up.

The isapidispatch.ini file is created during the installation. You must copy this file into the ISAPI Extension in the application root directory (for example, $FGLASDIR\ISAPI). It is read on start up only. If the file is modified, the GAS ISAPI Extension has to be restarted before the changes take effect.

The GAS ISAPI Extension configuration file may contain the following sections and properties:

Table 1. GAS ISAPI Extension sections and properties
Section Property Default value Required Comment
Options as-directory N/A YES The FGLASDIR directory
Options configuration-file FGLASDIR\etc\as.xcf NO The GAS configuration file

Sample isapidispatch.ini

# GAS ISAPI Extension configuration file
# The GAS installation directory.
# This option is required.


# The GAS main configuration file
# This option is optional
# Default value: <as-directory>\etc\as.xcf
