Genero Archive lifecycle

The lifecycle of a deployed Genero Archive involves six stages: deployed, secured, activated, deactivated, undeployed, and cleaned.

Each stage is defined below.
  1. Deployed - The archive is deployed but not activated.
  2. Secured - Applications and services provided by an archive are available to authorized users only. Security is implemented by the Genero Identity Provider (GIP) and configured using the Genero Deployment App.

    Step 2 is not required if the application or service is provided for all users to access. You can unsecure a secured Genero Archive.

  3. Activated - Applications and services provided by an archive are available to users.
  4. Deactivated - Applications and services provided by an archive are no longer available to users. A deactivated archive can be reactivated.
  5. Undeployed - The archive is no longer deployed, and cannot be reactivated. The MANIFEST file is removed. Physical cleanup of the archive is not done.
  6. Cleaned - The archive is physically removed.