Access the resources

Access the resources of your GWS RESTful Web service, including the OpenAPI documentation of the Web service through your browser.

For a web service server started with FGLAPPSERVER=8090 (as specified in the Set up), the service URL is at: http://localhost:8090/MyService

The output shown is from the Firefox® browser, which converts JSON to human readable format. The output may vary depending on your browser.

  1. To retrieve the OpenAPI information, in your browser type one of the following addresses:
    You can output the documentation in JSON.


    The documentation of your Web service is output in your browser page according to the OpenAPI specification. For more information on the specification, see Generate service description on demand.

  2. To get a list of customers stored in the database, enter the URI of the resource endpoint in your browser:

    A list of customers is output on the browser page (Firefox formatted output of JSON data)

    	cust_num	2
    	cust_fname	"Jason"
    	cust_lname	"Birn"
    	cust_addr	"35 Sunset Blvd"
    	cust_email	""
    	cust_yts	"2021-03-24 12:43:29"
    	cust_rate	35.9
    	cust_comment	"test"
    	cust_num	3
    	cust_fname	"Nigel"
    	cust_lname	"Kendrick"
    	cust_addr	"8722 Main street"
    	cust_email	""
    	cust_yts	"2021-03-24 12:43:29"
    	cust_rate	85.2
    	cust_comment	"test"
    	cust_num	1
    	cust_fname	"Mike"
    	cust_lname	"Pilgrim"
    	cust_addr	"5 Palms St"
    	cust_email	""
    	cust_yts	"2021-03-24 12:43:29"
    	cust_rate	45.5
    	cust_comment	"test"
  3. To get details for a specific customer, enter the following resource endpoint in your browser, with the customer id as final part of the URI:
    The customer's details are output in the browser page:
    	cust_num	1
    	cust_fname	"Mike"
    	cust_lname	"Pilgrim"
    	cust_addr	"5 Palms St"
    	cust_email	""
    	cust_yts	"2021-03-24 12:43:29"
    	cust_rate	45.5
    	cust_comment	"test"
What to do next:

Having completed this quick start you have created a basic Web service using the Genero RESTful high level framework. It is now recommended to continue developing the functionality of the Web service for inserting (POST), updating (PUT), and deleting (DELETE) resources. To do this you will need to define new resources and create a client application. Follow the tasks in Quick start 2: RESTful server application, part 2.