Window style attributes: Basics

Basic presentation style attributes for window elements.

Style attributes listed in this page are general and supported on several front-end types, when the platform allows it. See also other pages about window style attributes.


Indicates if the window content must be initialized with the saved positions and sizes. By default, windows are reopened at the position and with the size they had when they were closed. You can force the use of the initial settings with this attribute. This applies also to column position and width in tables.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).


Indicates the position of the window.

Values can be:
  • "default" (default): the window is displayed in the window container, as defined by the container rules. For more details, see Containers for program windows.
  • "field": the window is displayed below the current field. If there is no current field, "default" position applies. The windowType style attribute must be "modal". For more details, see Field-anchored picklist.
  • "center": the window is displayed in the center of the window container. Typically used when the windowType style attribute set to "modal".


Defines if the window can be resized by the user.

Values can be "yes" (default), "no" or "auto".

  • On a normal window, the behavior is applied to the form instead of the window. When set to "no", the form content is not stretched, even if the form contains stretchable items.
  • On a modal window, when set to "no", the end-user cannot resize the modal window.

tabbedContainer (deprecated)


tabbedContainer is deprecated and replaced by the application list and window list concepts. See Containers for program windows for more details.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).

When a window of an application uses tabbedContainer=yes, every application except the one hosting the tabbed container is embedded in a tab container.

When using this style attribute, the front-end sidebar is replaced by the StartMenu, which is mandatory when tabbedContainer=yes.


Defines the display time (in seconds) of the automatic scrollbar displayed when scrolling on fixed screen array (a.k.a. "Matrix") and SCROLLGRIDs. After the delay, the scrollbar disappears.

A value of zero specifies an infinite time: The thin scrollbar remains visible while the record list can be scrolled (during dialog execution).

A negative value specifies that the scrollbar must always be hidden.

Default is 1 second.


Indicates the default position of the toolbar, when such element is defined by the form, and no specific position style attribute is defined for toolbar elements.

Values can be one of:
  • "top" (default desktop): Toolbar is displayed at the top of the window.
  • "bottom": Toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the window.
  • "none": The toolbar is not displayed.
  • "chrome" (default on mobile): Action views are displayed in the chromebar. See Action views in chromebar.


Indicates the rendering of the topmenu on desktop front-ends, when such element is defined by the form.

Values can be one of:
  • "classic" (default on desktop): Topmenu is displayed as a tree of options on top of the window, all items of the first group appear horizontally in the topmenu bar.
  • "sidebar" (default on mobile): Topmenu is displayed on the left of the window, when pressing the dedicated hamburger button. Rendering is compacted to show topmenu option levels one by one.
This style attribute applies on window topmenus, but has an impact on global topmenus as well.


Indicates the rendering of the topmenu on mobile front-ends, when such element is defined by the form.

Values can be one of:
  • "classic" (default on desktop): Topmenu is displayed as a tree of options on top of the window, all items of the first group appear horizontally in the topmenu bar.
  • "sidebar" (default on mobile): Topmenu is displayed on the left of the window, when pressing the dedicated hamburger button. Rendering is compacted to show topmenu option levels one by one.
This style attribute applies on window topmenus, but has an impact on global topmenus as well.


Defines if the window can be closed with a system menu option or window header button.

Values can be "yes", "no" or "auto" (default).

When value is "auto", the option is enabled depending on the window type.

This attribute may have different behavior depending on the front-end operating system. For example, when no system menu is used, it may not be possible to have this option enabled.


Defines the display state of the window container when using the GDC front-end.

The windowState style attribute is defined for BDL WINDOW objects. However, it applies to the window container, following the windowState style attribute defined for the first WINDOW displayed by the program.

Values can be:
  • The following options apply, unless stored settings have a different window state registered, or when stored settings are disabled:
    • "normal" (default): The window container displays in normal state (first window/form layout defines the window container size)
    • "fullscreen": The window container uses the whole screen.
    • "maximized": The window container is maximized.
    • "minimized": The window container is minimized.
  • The following options always apply, even when stored settings are active and define a different window state:
    • "forceFullscreen": The window container uses the whole screen.
    • "forceMaximized": The window container is maximized.
    • "forceMinimized": The window container is minimized.


Defines the basic type of the window.

Values can be:
  • "normal" (default): Normal windows are displayed as typical application windows.
  • "modal": Modal windows are "popup" windows displayed over all other windows, typically used for temporary dialogs.
  • "modalOnLargeScreen": The window type adapts to the size of the screen, and displays as "modal" on screens with a size that matches the @LARGE size modifier of form definition attributes. For smaller sizes, the window is displayed as "normal", to fill all the available container space. The window will keep its type ("normal" or "modal") until it is closed, even if the container is resized or the device orientation changes.