
The fgldbsch tool generates the database schema files from an existing database.


fgldbsch -db dbname [options]
  1. dbname is the name of the database from which the schema is to be extracted.
  2. options are described in Table 1.


Table 1. fgldbsch options
Option Description
-V Displays version information.
-h Displays options for the tool.
-H Displays long help.
-v Enable verbose mode (display information messages).
-ct Display data type conversion tables.
-cx dbtype Display data type conversion table for the given database type.
-db dbname Specify the database as dbname. This option is required to generate the schema files.
-dv dbdriver Specify the database driver to be used.
-un user Define the user name for database connection as user.
-up pswd Define the user password for database connection as pswd.
-ow owner Define the owner of the database tables as owner.
-cv string Specify the data type conversion rules by character positions in string.
-of name Specify output files prefix, default is database name.
-tn tabname Extract the description of a specific table.
-ie Ignore tables with columns having data types that cannot be converted.
-cu Generate upper case table and column names.
-cl Generate lower case table and column names.
-cc Generate case-sensitive table and column names.
-sc Extract shadow columns.
-st Extract system tables.
-om Run schema extractor in old fglschema mode, allowing the following compatibility options:
  • -c is equivalent to -cv BBBBBB..., enabling Informix SQL type to FGL data type conversion.
  • -r writes partial tables definitions into the .sch file, for tables having columns with unsupported types (-ie skips the whole table definition)


The fgldbsch command line tool extracts the schema description for any database supported by the product.

The .sch schema file is mandatory to compile forms or source modules using the SCHEMA instruction.