Pseudo selectors

Pseudo selectors can be used to apply style only when some conditions are fulfilled.

Pseudo selectors are preceded by a colon and can be combined:

<Style name="Table:even:input" >
<Style name="Edit:focus" >
<Style name="Edit.important:focus" >

When combining several pseudo selectors, the style will be applied if all pseudo selector conditions are fulfilled.

Depending on the type of the front-end, some pseudo selectors are meaningless, or unsupported. See the table below to check which pseudo selectors are supported on your front-end platform.

Pseudo selectors have different priorities; the style with the most important pseudo selector will be used when several styles match.

Table 1. Pseudo selectors for presentation styles
Priority Pseudo selector Condition
1 focus The widget has the focus
2 query The widget is in construct mode
3 display The widget is in a display array
4 input The widget is in an input array, input or construct
5 even This widget is on an even row if in a list (Table or Tree)
6 odd This widget is on an odd row if in a list (Table or Tree)
7 inactive The widget is inactive
8 active The widget is active
9 message Applies only to text displayed with the MESSAGE instruction
10 error Applies only to text displayed with the ERROR instruction
11 summaryLine Applies only to text displayed in AGGREGATE fields of tables