Instantiate a dynamic dialog

The dynamic dialogs needs to be created with specific ui.Dialog methods.

Defining the dialog object variable

To reference the dialog object, first declare a variable with the type ui.Dialog:
DEFINE d ui.Dialog

Defining field names and types

The dynamic dialog creation methods take the list of field definitions as parameter, as a dynamic array with a record structure using two members to define the field name and data type.

Define a dynamic array with the following structure:
           name STRING,
           type STRING

The field definition array will identify form fields and the data types to be used to store the values.

The data types are provided as strings, using the same syntax as a regular Genero type:
LET fields[1].name = "cust_id"
LET fields[1].type = "INTEGER"
LET fields[2].name = "cust_name"
LET fields[2].type = "VARCHAR(50)"
LET fields[3].name = "cust_modts"
LET fields[3].type = "DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5)"

The type names used by the dynamic dialog API is the same as the type names returned by the base.SqlHandle.getResultType() method.

Instantiate the dynamic dialog object

When the list of field definition is complete, the next step is to create the dynamic dialog object.

When instantiating a dynamic dialog, the current form is automatically attached to it.

  • To create a dynamic dialog handling simple record input (like INPUT BY NAME):
    LET d = ui.Dialog.createInputByName(fields)

    For more details, see ui.Dialog.createInputByName.

  • To create a dynamic dialog handling query by example (like CONSTRUCT):
    LET d = ui.Dialog.createConstructByName(fields)

    For more details, see ui.Dialog.createConstructByName.

  • To create a dynamic dialog handling a read-only list (like DISPLAY ARRAY):
    LET d = ui.Dialog.createDisplayArrayTo(fields, "sr_custlist")

    The createDisplayArrayTo() method requires the name of the screen record used to group form fields, as defined in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the .per form file.

    For more details, see ui.Dialog.createDisplayArrayTo.

  • To create a dynamic dialog handling an editable list (like INPUT ARRAY FROM):
    LET d = ui.Dialog.createInputArrayFrom(fields, "sr_custlist")

    The createInputArrayFrom() method requires the name of the screen record used to group form fields, as defined in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the .per form file.

    For more details, see ui.Dialog.createInputArrayFrom.

  • To create a dynamic dialog handling a multiple dialog (like DIALOG / END DIALOG):
    LET d = ui.Dialog.createMultipleDialog()

    Then add sub-dialogs with methods such as ui.Dialog.addInputByName.

    For more details, see ui.Dialog.createMultipleDialog.