Configuring a dynamic dialog

The dynamic dialogs can be configured with attributes.

After creating the ui.Dialog dynamic dialog object, use the setDialogAttribute() method to specify dialog options.

For singular dialogs, define dialog attributes after using one of the create*() methods:

DEFINE d ui.Dialog
LET d = ui.Dialog.createInputByName(fields)
CALL d.setDialogAttribute( "UNBUFFERED", TRUE )
When creating a multiple dialog, the setDialogAttribute() method applies the attribute value to the last added sub-dialog:
DEFINE d ui.Dialog
LET d = ui.Dialog.createMultipleDialog()
CALL d.addDisplayArrayTo(fields, "sr_cust")
CALL d.setDialogAttribute( "HELP", 1023 )  -- applies to sr_cust
CALL d.addInputArrayFrom(fields, "sr_ord")
CALL d.setDialogAttribute( "INSERT ROW", FALSE )  -- applies to sr_ord

The attribute name passed as first parameter must match the attribute name that can be specified in the static dialog instruction syntax. For a complete list of attribute names and possible values, see ui.Dialog.setDialogAttribute.