Four Js Development Tools Forum

Discussions by product => Reporting tools (GRW, GRE) => Topic started by: sheng l. on April 28, 2011, 02:50:59 am

Title: Warning: fglcomp versions prior to 2.30 build 1726 do not support subreports
Post by: sheng l. on April 28, 2011, 02:50:59 am
Warning: fglcomp versions prior to 2.30 build 1726 do not support subreports

I got this error when I installed latest version of GST and use it to edit my older version of report.

Title: Re: Warning: fglcomp versions prior to 2.30 build 1726 do not support subreports
Post by: Christine R. on April 28, 2011, 12:32:22 pm
Hello Sheng,

This is a Support issue.

May I ask you to send your .4rp and .rdd files to your support center please. We will analyze them.

Thank you and regards,

Christine HEIM - Four J's Support